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Submitted by Melissa Alexander (Leander, Texas)

Being a good steward has little to do with money…

God granted us dominion over all His creation…not so we would take pride in ownership, but so we could understand His love more completely through stewardship.

Being the “good Christian” that I am, I grew up thinking stewardship had a direct correlation to tithing. When you gave the magic percentage of what you owned to the church, you were a good steward—right? Hmmmm…

I received the lesson of my life in what it means to be a good steward while sitting in the intensive care unit of a hospital, waiting to hear the fate of my 17-year-old stepson. A softspoken doctor came in to talk to the family, and told us that Michael would not recover, and that he had registered as an organ donor. Did the family want to honor his wishes and follow through?

What?! Piecemeal my beautiful boy’s body? I can barely take in the fact that he’s not going to finish high school or marry…give me grandkids and perhaps take care of me as I have enjoyed taking care of him in his young life. The idea is repugnant…NO!!

But a little voice deep inside me says, “Michael’s gone, and he’ll be with God. What about the lives his body can restore?” It hit me like a brick—this is what stewardship truly means. We don’t own a thing—it’s all a gift from God. Why bury treasure in a box in the ground, when God can use it to do good in someone else’s life?

Michael “got it” when it came to giving. Who was I to dishonor him by selfishly holding on to his treasure? All those who loved Michael gave him to that soft-spoken doctor, and as a result, there’s a daddy with 2 small children who has a strong 17 year old heart beating out his love for his wife and kids. Michael’s kidneys, corneas, liver & even his beautiful skin were able to be used to increase or improve the lives of many.

Give because you have been blessed…don’t try to take any part of your treasure wih you…see the possibility of generousity in every moment of every day. Then, whether you’re 17 or 71, you’ll move on from this world having left it better than when you entered it.

Thank you, son. You were wise beyond your years and I was blessed to be part of your life. SO@50