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Submitted by Anonymous (CO)

3 Year old helps sponsor a needy child.

My 3 year old son was pretty well potty trained but would still get lazy and wet his Pull-Up. One evening we were looking at pictures of hungry children in Africa and I explained that there are children all over the world who don’t have enough food, clothing, clean water or medicine. My son immediately said “I will send them food and shoes!” My heart melted that he wanted to do something for these children. I wanted to encourage his giving heart and as I prayed for guidance my mind went to (of all things) Pull-Ups. The next morning I suggested to him that if he was willing to use the potty from here on out, that the money mommy and daddy spent on Pull-Ups could instead be used to sponsor a little boy or girl in need. He was so excited! Off with the Pull-Ups, on with the big boy underwear and now he’s the proud sponsor of a 4 year old boy in Uganda!