Submitted by Bill Rutherford (Grand Rapids, MI)
Help for a family fleeing an abusive situation at home.
Upon checking into my hotel, Holiday Inn Express, I noticed an African-American family, mother and 4 children from about 5 to 15, sitting in the lobby. The reason they got my attention was that two of the older children were actually reading books as opposed to playing phone video games. And all of the children were very well mannered. Again sadly, something that got my attention. After I completed check-in and walked past the family I heard the mother talking on the phone and she had no money for a room or food. I had just heard the sermon at my church, Vineyard North, on Sunday regarding I Like Giving and I realized I could help. I had enough money to help.
I went to the desk clerk and paid for their room and gave the clerk $200 in an envelope to help them over the next couple of days. I included a message to them explaining that I fully believed God put me there at the right time and made me sensitive to their need. The desk clerk said the family was overwhelmed at the generosity and that the mother was a Christian and began to cry and thank God that he had heard her prayers. I FELT OVERWHELMED that GOD blessed me with this opportunity to help! I cannot even get to sleep tonight as I am on such an emotional high! Thank You I Like Giving for helping me to become more open and cognizant of the needs in the world right around me!