Submitted by Paul (USA)
Random giving for 31 days
At some point in my life I decided I’d rather be known for giving than getting. I worked up a long range goal of increasing giving year by year till I was handing over half my income to people in need, people I believed in, or even just people that were highlighted to me. By some amazing Grace and provided faith I’m nearly there! Last December I had an outrageous idea of giving away $100 a day, randomly to different individuals for the whole month. It forced me completely out of my comfort zone, and was extremely difficult and joyful at the same time. I decided I would blog every day about each experience. I hadn’t gone back and read the stories since I had written them until today. I’m struck now by my individual experiences, and even now a year later they are boosting my faith. It’s an anonymous blog –
thank you for inspiring generosity.