The impact you have on your family is your greatest legacy.
Pass down a lifestyle of generosity,
generosity of your time, words, thoughts, attention, money, influence, and sharing your stuff,
to empower your children and grandchildren to be selfless. Your intentional generosity can impact your family for generations.
Check out the brand new family resource, planned and designed for kids of all ages and stages!
Get the Books.
Order Your Copies of I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life and Everyday Generosity: Becoming a Generous Family in a Selfie World. Our suggestion: Go through the short stories together as a family and share ideas you have for being generous.
Stay in Touch.
Sign up for The I Like Giving newsletter. Every other week we send one email that will spark and encourage generosity. You’ll be the first to know about new resources from I Like Giving.
Watch the Films.
Check out the I Like Giving films, each one is family friendly and will open the door for meaningful conversations about giving. Start by asking the question: What stood out to you?