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Damien’s Story

Damien is a typical third-grade boy with some added challenges related to his attention and behavior in class. For years, he has been the “challenging” kid and many of the snickers and eye rolls made by his classmates are directed at him and his outbursts in class. 

During the lesson on being Generous With Your Words, students put what they learn into practice right away with an activity in their class. Turning their booklet to a blank page, they write their name in the center of the page and walk around the room to write words of affirmation to each member of their class. 

Standing behind Damien’s desk the words started filling the page: 

“cool” “nice” “helpful” “funny”

Damien’s teacher Stacey turned to me with tears in her eyes and said, “This is the first time Damien has ever heard these kinds of words spoken to or about him. This is so special. He will hang this on his wall at home, I just know it.” His teacher has confirmed the program is still impacting him, even with his challenging home life, he has found encouragement from the content of Generosity Roadmap and has a new language to deal with his challenges in a positive way.